Other factors that affect my replies. ㋡


Decided to use the artefact to showcase another dimension of my data. It came about through self-quanitifying the notifications I received by gauging if i felt like replying them, and also how busy I was when I received them, both on a scale of 1-5. What comes along with this set of data was a little bit of self-reflection into my behaviour and reactions to my mobile device that I’m dependent on. It leads to a bigger picture of a contrast between “doom-scrolling” and my screen time. Endless news of COVID-19 has been a consistent steady stream and with the worsening of the situation and the changes in the COVID-19 measures, my screen time was cut so as to escape the negativity.

This comes in the form of a newspaper because although these newspaper headlines were taken from online sources, the usual way we consume nowadays, news that were placed on newspapers were what you’d get. News cannot be filtered out or avoided when it was all printed on the papers as it was traditionally circulated through paper only.


What I was trying to show through this artefact are the other factors that affect whether or not I reply to those notifications. With the added context of what I was doing at the time, as well as self-quantifying how much I felt like replying at the time as well.

I think it's interesting how this one turned out because I had freedom in deciding how I wanted to lay out these information. Rating how much I felt like replying from a scale of 1-5 was pretty insightful to tell what goes into my thought process before replying.

What I got from this was that who the notifications come from seem to affect my decision in replying the most, followed by the topic of conversation based on the message previews. I often don't reply people when I'm gaming, but I usually reply during my idle time or free time, over meals. How much I felt like replying was very much dependent on these 2 factors I mentioned above, and you can find a pattern with how this artefact shows these 2 dimensions of the data that I couldn't quite get to present through other means.